Horus eye fractions

The Pyramid

Dedicated to the proposition that the Great Pyramid is a rational (in the mathematical sense) structure, designed and built by normal people.

This is a radical statement about the Pyramid, especially on the internet because all web pages that I have been able to find that deal with the Pyramid, maintain that it was built and/or inspired by either God or space aliens. Most don't even consider that it could be a rational structure designed and built by normal people.

In 1985 I retired from the Canada France Hawaii Telescope Corporation. I had worked at the Mauna Kea observatory doing troubleshooting, programming and instrument repair. I had worked on big science project.my whole career ( three telescope on Mauna Kea, secret Air Force radars, 100' satellite dishes and the BART tunnel in San Francisco).

I became bored and restless in retirement. I needed a big project to be involved in. I happened on Peter Tompkins "Secrets Of The Great Pyramid" one day and I was hooked. I spent four frustrating years figuring away in Basic and Lotus 123 spread sheets on an IBM XT computer. I would fool myself that I was making progress in figuring out the mathematics behind the Pyramid but I never had any thing that I could prove.

The break through finally came after I was able to spend some time at the Library of Congress in the History of.Mathematics section. This is where I began to learn about the ways the ancient Egyptian did mathematics. This knowledge and computer spread sheets finally gave me results that I could prove (to my satisfaction at least) and others could use my methods to verify my result.

I was asked by a friendly professor in 1991 to deliver a paper on my work to his descriptive geometry class at College of the Redwoods in northern California. I wrote up my paper using Ventura Publishing and delivered it, and got an enthusiastic response from the students.

At the urging of other I have finally translated the paper from Ventura to HTML. Some of the illustrations got a little fuzzy in the translation and I will correct that in the future. The main point I want to make is,in the five years since I wrote the paper I have been able to substantiate all the results, on much more powerful computers and software (especially Mathcad 4.0)

You could read the paper and just accept my numbers or take a calculator and a blank spread sheet to verify as you go along.


If you don't like numbers and math, at least read my summary of insights below

Some people have demanded that I send them a complete drawing (with all the lengths and angles) of what I consider was the original dimensions of the Great Pyramid. There are many interesting things that I would prefer to leave off the web and save for my book. So the pictures below is the only summary of my work I will give, for now.  (They are in the new .png format, for faster loading.)

All the lengths

To fully understand the above information you will also need the picture below. It shows some subtle details, typical to each side. Because of the equal angles many surfaces are mirror reflections .

More clues
Some insights since 1991 and plans for the future
(If you came from the Pyramid paper, also check the above pictures)

I am now searching for a publisher to get a book out on my research, so I will not give detailed explanation of any of the insights. But there is enough information here and in the paper for anybody into mathematics to fully reconstruct my work. Anyone with math questions e-mail me. I will answer promptly.  Other questions will be answered slowly.

The millennium has come.   It's about time we understood the Great Pyramid!

Recent findings on the cubit
Information on the Royal Cubit I found in my work (length 523.33mm)
There is an interesting relationship between the Royal Cubit and the foot. I found that 7 Royal Cubits is essentialy equal to 12 feet. (it is actually 12 feet plus .2238 inches )

So her is what it comes down to. I put forth proof that:

Four 'unit fraction expressions' match the surveyed lengths and angles better than the 14,400 others I have tied. I then use those 4 expressions to develop a mathematical model that has some very interesting features. This is my best guess at what the original design of the Great Pyramid was.

What I expected when I put it all on the web was:

1. A debate would start

2. Others would come forward with other mathematical models.

3. Eventually every body would agree on what the true model of the Great Pyramid was.

All I ever wanted was to be part of that debate. But what I have found, is that most of the people who even know what a mathematical model is, have an aversion to anything about the Great Pyramid.

So I am in the perplexing position of saying, I have the best model for the Great Pyramid in the world, just because nobody has come forward with another. (another that is, that matches Cole's survey)


An accidental discovery while looking at a star map

pointing man
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